• waisak.borobudur@gmail.com
  • Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java
Why with us?

Why with us?

Halaman ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Halaman bahasa Indonesia ada di sini.

The reasons why we are the best for Waisak Tours?

It’s because,


1. We are Borobudur People
All of our staffs, guides and drivers are from Borobudur.
We know about Borobudur more than anyone, we love Borobudur more than anyone.
So we would like to show you Wonderful Waisak Time with our proud.


2. Comfortable & Full-serviced Trip
As Waisak Tours are special tours, we keep in mind to make safe & confortable trips more than normal tours.

  • Pick up & Drop off at the places you appointed
    Waisak starts in early morning and finishes at midnight. But you don’t need to be worried because our transportation includes “Pick-up at your door, drop-off at your door”.
  • Dinner Buffet
    Good food in a good restaurant gives you more power to enjoy the Lantern, the highlights of Waisak at midnight.

3. English Service

You can book/inquiry in English. Of course, our guides & drivers can speak English.

4. Operated by Experienced Team

We have started our Waisak Tours since 2013, before this festival was well-knowed widely like now. And then we created Group Tours to make more people to join easier since 2017.

2017 Total 52 people ( Foreign customer 15%, Domestic customer 85% )
2018 Total 204 people ( Foreign customer 30%, Domestic customer 70% )
2019 Total 198 people ( Foreign customer 55%, Domestic customer 45% )
2020 No Festival due to Covid-19
2021 No Festival due to Covid-19
2022 Total 48 people ( Foreign customer 30%, Domestic customer 70% )
2023 Total 338 people ( Foreign customer 15%, Domestic customer 85% )

Rated 4.8 out of 5
4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 6 reviews)
Very good17%

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Respon cepat, on time, humble

Recommend dehh 👍🏼

Bhakti wibisana
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Penjemputan on time, tour guide asik seruu! Makanan enakk, semuanya okee 🔥🔥

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Jujur pertama x kek ragu ya sama tur waisak ini (ini real apa fake) Sampai akhirnya percaya niat baik akan berbuah baik. Dan ternyata lohh..mmg sebagus itu. Pak Nanang is so friendly dan beliau sendiri juga hadir utk mendampingi kelompok2 tur. Dikasih bunga juga utk diletakan di altar sang Buddha, Guide juga baik & bertgg jawab 🙏🏻 Makannya jg ok, pdhl tertulis ga disediakan makan pagi tp tetap dapat donkk kotakan kue 😭 Aku ambil yg private tour full day, cuma ber 2 dikarenakan harus ngejar ke bandara setelah selesai acara. Pokoknya trusted ya, jgn ragu utk pake jasa tour waisak borobudur. Recommended and trusted 👍🏻

Fenny CR
Rated 4.0 out of 5

Kebetulan saya mengikuti Tour yang full day jadi di jemput dan diantar sampai ke Hotel dengan mobil Hi-Ace, nyaman dan aman. Guide berpengalaman yang sangat paham sejarah dari Candi Borobudur.

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Awal2 sy mau ikut tour ini agak takut2 jg, apakah ini real ato fake ya.. hehe…soalnya aku dan family ambil paket yg kompit ( pelespasan lampion ) ternyata saat uda hari H nya, saya kaget pas dijemput ternyata langsung pak nanang yg menjemput , pak nanang sangat ramah, friendly, bertanggungjawab . Dan selama mengikuti acara waisak , smuanya oke dan berjalan tertib dan kt dibantu dan diarahkan.. dan saat utk waktu beristirahat kt disiapkan tempat utk kt bersantap makan siang dan istirahat.. dan tempatnya oke bgt pas diatas bukit dan kita bisa menikmati suasana dan hawa yg sejuk dimana saya tinggal di jakarta jarang banget ada tempat yg sejuk. Untuk makanannya jg oke bgt dan enak. I’m so happy, dan kalau ada kesempatan lagi sy mau ajak smua keluargaku utk ikut trip waisak pak nanang. Thanks so much


Representative : Nanang Sipon

Email : waisak.borobudur@gmail.com